The Alumnx Council of PSR meets bi-monthly. As a practice, they take turns sharing This I Believe. We’ll post these inspiring testimonials as they are created.
It was hard for me to accept that, on November 5, 2024, in the United States, most voters that were allowed to vote cast their ballots for Donald Trump at the top of the ticket. And by returning Senate control to the Republican Party, any extant checks and balances in the Federal government were erased, ensuring Republican control of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government. And this, four years following Trump’s involvement in terrorism targeting fellow Americans four years earlier. While these results were hard for me to accept, this is was what I expected.
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I believe that this might be one of the most challenging assignments that I have undertaken lately. The first challenge was my willingness to share something so personal and intimate. I teetered between caution and courage; between faith and fear; between private and public. I settled somewhere in the middle of them all. Secondly, there are many forces that contribute to the colonization of our spirit, so I believe that finding my truth has been a pathway to remaining authentic, so I do my best to take myself wherever I go. I learned long ago that I cannot and do not expect you to understand or even agree with me, but I do ask that you believe me.
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The Alumnx Council of PSR meets bi-monthly. As a practice, they take turns sharing “This I Believe.” This month's post is from Rev. Dr. Monica Joy Cross (DMin ’21)
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The Alumnx Council of PSR meets bi-monthly. As a practice, they take turns sharing “This I Believe.” This month's post is from Dr. Daniel Rodriguez Schlorff (DMin ’19).
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Diana Becton (MTS, 2015), a member of PSR's Alumnx Council, shares her thoughts on criminal justice reform in this month's "This I Believe"
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Carolyn Roberts (MDiv '75) a member of PSR's Alumnx Council shares her thoughts in this month's "This I Believe"
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Loey Powell (MDiv '77) a member of PSR's Alumnx Council shares his thoughts in this month's "This I Believe"
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Florentino Cordova (MDiv '13) a member of PSR's Alumnx Council shares his thoughts in this month's "This I Believe"
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