You can invest in the future of Pacific School of Religion by making a gift to the endowment during life, or by planning for a gift that will be effective at or after death.
Pacific School of Religion has over 30 different Endowment Funds which help ensure the future of the school. Many of these endowment funds support student scholarships while some fund Faculty chairs or specific projects. Endowment funds are held in perpetual trust; only the income from the endowment fund is used. Your endowment contribution is a timeless gift to the mission and life of Pacific School of Religion.
Whether you are interested in setting up an endowment fund to support a specific goal or in making a gift to the general endowment, you are declaring a statement of faith in the long-term value of Pacific School of Religion.
On behalf of current and future students, thank you.
What is an Endowment?
An endowment is an aggregation of funds that have been donated to a tax-exempt organization so that the earnings on the funds can be used in perpetuity to support the organization’s charitable, religious, or educational mission. An endowment allows donors to transfer private dollars to public purposes, with confidence that these purposes will be served for as long as the entrusted institution continues to exist. PSR was established in 1866 and continues as a leading theological school today because its endowers believed in our future.
The Endowment Supports Our Faculty
An outstanding and esteemed faculty is a tradition at PSR. But if the school is to remain competitive in attracting and retaining such faculty, salaries must be increased, opportunities for scholarly research and travel must be provided, and there must be support for innovative programs. Equally important in attracting and retaining qualified faculty is the ability to provide adequate housing support despite the high costs in the local housing market. PSR has a tradition of excellence among its faculty — a strong endowment will enable PSR to continue this vital heritage.
The Endowment Is Crucial to Our Students
PSR must be able to provide financial aid to attract and retain excellent students. Many endowed funds provide student scholarships that offset the cost of graduate theological education. But increased non-tuition expenses have begun to outstrip PSR’s ability to grant corresponding financial aid. PSR is losing fine students to other institutions that simply offer more scholarship aid. By graduation, many of our Master of Divinity students have acquired large student loans but face relatively low earnings with which to repay. Endowed scholarships provide the aid our students need to alleviate such high debt.
The Endowment Substitutes for Denominational Support
PSR’s interdenominational nature is one of its assets. There is, however, no substantial denominational support upon which Pacific School of Religion can rely for annual operating funds. PSR, more than most schools, must rely upon income from its endowment fund to generate part of the annual operating budget.
We are grateful to the many endowers in PSR’s long history. If not for their vision of the future, PSR would not be in any position at present to prepare ministers and leaders in the church.
How Can You Contribute to the Endowment?
You can invest in the future of Pacific School of Religion by making a gift to the endowment during life, or by planning for a gift that will be effective at or after death.
Lifetime Gifts to the Endowment
The simplest gift to Pacific School of Religion’s endowment is an outright gift of cash, securities, real property, or other marketable assets, made during your lifetime. All can bring you substantial tax benefits if you itemize deductions. A gift of appreciated securities is of high value to the endowment and offers you particularly high potential for tax savings.