Our Commitment
Pacific School of Religion is committed to support and implement approaches to public and community safety that do not assume the need for police intervention or criminal charges as solutions. As a community, we are actively engaged in discerning what it would mean for us to become an institution that does not call on the police. Over the summer I appointed a Task Force with representatives from faculty, staff, and students to help advise our development of strategies and resources that provide us with community-based alternatives that reflect and expand our own understanding of community safety. Recognizing the role that police currently play in many aspects of community safety—including responding to mental health crisis, fire, and other emergencies—we will also seek to engage in the broader community efforts to hold our city officials and our local enforcement agencies accountable to policies that immediately decrease the risk of harm to Black people and other historically marginalized communities on our campus and beyond.
This critical work is part of a larger effort to more fully live out of our core values as an anti-racist institution through our policies and practices (how we live in community), in our formation of leaders, and as thought leaders on this issue in theological education. I am grateful to the members of the Campus Safety Task Force for their partnership and commitment.
–Rev. Dr. David Vásquez-Levy, President
Emergency Services
Closest Emergency Room
Alta Bates Hospital
2450 Ashby Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94705
7 mins away by car
Closest Kaiser Facility
For students with Kaiser Health Insurance, the closest facility is in Oakland.
Kaiser Oakland Medical Center (more information)
3600 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94611
12-15 minutes by car
Hospitals Sensitive to Financial Situations
Low-cost, etc.
Alameda County Medical Center: Highland Hospital –
1411 E. 31st Street
Oakland, CA 94602
17 minutes away by car
Earthquake and Emergency Procedures
Pacific School of Religion has policies and procedures to deal with a major emergency or disaster affecting the campus and surrounding areas. In most cases, PSR’s Facilities Department and local community agencies are responsible for responding to emergencies.
Earthquakes and Evacuations
In the event of an earthquake, the school may need to activate the School Disaster Plan, which will override normal administrative activities.
First ascertain your own and immediate family’s personal safety; if evacuation of buildings is necessary, students, staff, faculty, guests, and commuters should proceed to the designated Evacuation Site on the quad (the large grassy area between Holbrook Building and the dining hall) and check in.
The disaster plan is located in the janitor’s closet next to the outside chapel restroom. The first few people to come to the quad should go directly to the closet and get the briefcase marked EQ PLAN. Designate one responsible person to be the overall coordinator. The overall coordinator’s file, if followed, will begin implementation of the plan.
A check-in table will be set up as quickly as possible. Everyone should report to the attendance coordinator at the check-in table. This is important so that everyone can be accounted for. (It will not be necessary to call local police or the fire department as these agencies automatically go into a disaster mode and will coordinate with school officials.)
Please familiarize yourself with recommended earthquake procedures:
During an Earthquake
Earth shaking does not kill you, building collapse and resulting fires do. Injuries and deaths are increased by human panic, so it is imperative that you remain calm.
Remember these eight points:
- Stay where you are! Chances of injury increase with movement. Don’t run outside. Stay calm; try to calm others. Think before taking action.
- If indoors, stay there until the shaking stops. Move to a safe place such as an interior door jamb, under a strong table or desk, or in a corner away from windows.
- If outdoors, get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, or power lines.
- If in a high-rise, move away from windows and outside walls. Do not use the elevators.
- If driving, pull over and stop. Avoid overpasses and power lines. Stay inside car until the shaking stops.
- Avoid tall buildings and power lines if you are outdoors. Move to an open area. If you are in an automobile, stop driving. Stay in your car. Don’t stop where buildings can topple down on you. A car is an excellent shock absorber and will shake violently on its springs during an earthquake, but it is a fairly safe “cocoon” from which to assess your situation. Balconies, parapets, power line walls, towers, overpasses, etc. may fall after the shaking stops. Never assume downed power lines are dead. People, metal, and damp objects are good electrical conductors; stay clear of power lines to avoid shock or serious burns.
- If ceiling debris falls on you, assume a crouching position with your back up, head down and shielded by your arms. If you are caught just outside a building, stand under the nearest strong doorway.
- Duck, cover, hold — hold onto whatever you are using as cover.
After an Earthquake
- After you have taken care of your own and immediate family’s personal safety (items below), go to the Evacuation Site on the quad and report to the Check-In Desk (to verify safety of individuals in the community) then to Team Leaders (identified by the hard hats) who will have been trained and will provide instructions. When checking in, inform people if you have needed skills such as First Aid or CPR.
- Check for injuries. Examine yourself first, then others. Don’t move the seriously injured, except away from danger of further injury.
- Evacuate the building, quickly and in an orderly way. Help others to evacuate, especially the physically limited.
- Do not light flames, or operate electric switches or use the telephone if there is the possibility of a gas leak. If leaking gas is noted, clear the area and notify a Team Leader, Building Manager or Facilities.
- Check for broken glass. Be sure you are wearing shoes before moving about. Watch for falling glass from shattered windows.
- Don’t eat or drink from containers near shattered glass. Be cautious of damaged containers.
- Clean up spilled poisons, drugs, and flammable substances.
- Check the water supply. If faucets operate, collect a small emergency supply. Remember, water demand may be heavy due to fire fighting requirements, so use it sparingly. Emergency water is available in toilet tanks, ice cubes, canned vegetables, etc.
- Refrain from flushing toilets. Sewer lines may be broken.
- Check shelves for objects ready to fall.
- If telephones are working, make only emergency calls and do not use phones at all if gas is present.
- Use automobiles only for emergencies.
- Stifle rumors. They tend to add to fear and confusion.
- Refrain from sightseeing and discourage others from doing so. Crowds create confusion and hinder the efforts of emergency personnel. Cooperate fully with college and local officials in charge of emergency procedures.
Note: Aftershocks are secondary tremors. Occasionally they do additional damage, mostly from already weakened structures and unstable, precariously located objects.
Before an Earthquake
- Even though PSR has formulated a community response and has limited supplies, you are responsible for preparing for your own safety and the safety of your dependents. Therefore, take time to organize and maintain a supply of emergency food, water, medication, a flashlight, a battery operated radio with extra batteries, and first aid items. (See below for suggested supplies.)
- Know what to do in advance. In a crisis, the human mind tends to cease functioning rationally. By knowing exactly what to do in advance, you lessen your chances of being in a helpless daze. You can react immediately and calmly to assist others as well as yourself.
- Know where fire extinguishers are in your building.
- Identify indoor danger spots: windows, mirrors, hanging objects, fireplaces, and tall unsecured furniture. Don’t hang heavy objects over your bed.
- Know the safe spots: inside doorjambs, under sturdy tables and desks, against inside walls. Identify all alternative exit routes.
- Keep breakables, heavy objects, flammable substances, hazardous liquids in secure cabinets or on bottom shelves. Don’t place heavy bookcases where they might block exits or injure people.
- Keep a flashlight close to your bed. Have shoes handy to allow quick exits in spite of broken glass under the bed or on the floor elsewhere.
- If children are living with you, teach them what to do to protect themselves in case you’re not able to get to them during a quake. Know their school’s disaster plan.
- Be sure your family members and loved ones know to come to the quad and report to the Check-In Desk.
- Keep additional supplies in the trunk of your car.
- Fill out Earthquake/Disaster Form and return it to Facilities Department.
Suggested Supplies to Keep On Hand
- Liquids: One gallon of liquid per person per day, for a minimum of five days.
- Foods: A five-day supply of non-perishable foods such as canned stew, spaghetti, tuna, fruits, vegetables, peanut butter, dried fruit, granola bars, crackers, etc.
- For the Car: Snack foods, shoes, bottled water, first aid kit, blanket, flashlight, essential medication, toilet tissue, etc.
Emergency Preparedness Resources
Earthquake Safety Links
Here are some useful links that include valuable suggestions on what to put in your household emergency kit, instructions for shutting off gas lines, and tips on emergency preparedness for your pets:
A few simple clicks today – and following the recommended steps to plan and prepare – can make a world of difference when an emergency occurs.
PSR Housing: Fire Safety Policies and Procedures
2369 Le Conte Ave | Apartment | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
2322 Virginia Street | Duplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
2324 Virginia Street | Duplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
2352 Virginia Street | Duplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
2354 Virginia Street | Duplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
2363/65 Le Conte Ave | Apartment | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
2340 Virginia Street | Duplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
2344 Virginia Street | Duplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
1729 Arch Street | Apartment | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
1815 Arch Street | Dormitory | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers/Fire Alarm | No |
1700 Scenic Avenue | Triplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
1716 Scenic Avenue | Triplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
1718 Scenic Avenue | Triplex Unit | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers | No |
1798 Scenic Avenue | Dormitory | Smoke Alarm/Extinguishers/Fire Alarm | No |
Cooking is allowed only in designated kitchen areas. Students living in dorm rooms are permitted to have one mini-size refrigerator, but due to fire hazard concerns, other appliances are not permitted. Kitchen appliances are provided in non-dormitory units.
Electrical Appliances
Electric heaters, electric burners, and toaster ovens are not allowed. Before leaving for breaks and holidays, residents must unplug all electrical devices to guard against fire hazards.
Electrical Cords & Outlets
Multi-plug outlets and improper use of power strips create fire and safety hazards. Power strips are allowed when plugged directly into an outlet. Use of extension chords and/or “chaining” power strips is prohibited.
The outlets in each room were designed for either one or two plugs. Multi-plug covers, cords, or other splitters used to increase the number of plugs on one outlet are prohibited due to safety hazards and possible circuit overloads. However, a multi-plug power strip with an internal fuse is permissible.
This is not an exhaustive list of problems that can be caused by improper use of cords and outlets. For further clarification, please contact Facilities and Maintenance at (510) 849-8254 with additional questions.
Fire Policies & Evacuation Procedures
Fire drills are conducted periodically to ensure residents’ safety in the event of a fire emergency. Residents should locate the exit nearest their dorm/unit location. PSR considers fire safety extremely important, and students have an obligation to adhere to school regulations, as well as city and state statutes. Residents will participate in fire drills each semester. Failure to respond appropriately to fire alarms will result in judicial action for those involved and will necessitate additional drills for all residents.
- False Alarm: Students are asked to respect the residential community and not set off false alarms. In the event of a false alarm, every effort will be made to identify the responsible individual(s). When such persons are identified, they will be referred to the senior administrative staff for judicial action.
- Fire Prevention Regulations: The following are prohibited in the residence halls because of their potential as fire hazards:
- Open flames such as candles, incense, matches, and lighters
- Appliances other than mini refrigerators
- Doors and walls in rooms that are more than one-half covered with paper or posters
- Use or possession of fireworks or firecrackers
- Use or possession of combustible paints, spray paint, or liquids
- Mopeds or other combustible engines
- Halogen lamps
- Fire Evacuation Procedures: When the alarm sounds, each resident should follow the established procedures:
- Residents should leave their doors open as they exit their rooms. (If possible, residents should take their room key with them.)
- Residents should begin an immediate and orderly evacuation. Residents should not run. They should move quickly to the nearest designated stairwell and exit. They should exit the building and wait for instructions or permission to re-enter the building.
- The residence hall staff will signal when the building is safe and ready for re-entry. No one is allowed to reenter until this signal is given. Personnel authorized to give reentry instructions include PSR administrators, or the PSR security officer. Please note that firemen may indicate a building is safe, but they cannot give permission to reenter the building. Firemen should be treated with respect at all times. Anyone who does not evacuate or who does not comply quickly and properly with the instructions of a staff member will be reported to the senior administrative staff. Failure to evacuate a building after a fire alarm has sounded will be subject to appropriate judicial action.
- Misuse of Fire Safety Equipment: Any individual who misuses or tampers with fire safety equipment will be subject to disciplinary action and the cost of repair or replacement of misused or damaged equipment, cleaning of the facility, and damage to other property. Fire safety equipment includes, but is not limited to, signs, extinguishers, smoke detectors, and pull stations.
- Setting a Fire: Any individual who intentionally and/or recklessly sets a fire (commits arson) in or near a school building is subject to immediate dismissal from the school, and may be charged for repairing any damage caused by the fire. In addition to being subject to school penalties, any student who starts a fire, damages or tampers with evacuation alarms, or misuses fire safety equipment also may be subject to prosecution in criminal court by the proper federal, state, county, or city authorities, and/or the City of Berkeley Fire Department in accordance with the Berkeley Fire Code and all statutes, laws, rules, and regulations.
Night Escort Services
An on-site uniformed security guard (with experience in emergency response and CPR) is available on Holy Hill, Monday through Thursday from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm for escorting PSR, CDSP, and GTU faculty, staff, and students to parking lots or other nearby locations by calling (510) 649-2450.
In addition, UC Berkeley operates free night safety services including a night walking escort service between 6:00 pm and 3:00 am, a shuttle around the UC Berkeley campus between 7:30 pm and 3:00 am, and a door-to-door shuttle service from 3:00 am to 5:30 am. Call (510) 642-9255 or learn more.
Sexual Harassment & Violence
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Sexual Violence & Assault
Bystander Intervention
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Catharsis Productions: And I’m Glad I Did It Bystander Intervention PSA 1 (1:10)
Step Up-American University video (5:25)
Step Up, is an award-winning bystander intervention program, adopted by American University, that uses five steps to teach students how to intervene in situations including sexual assault, alcohol abuse, mental health emergencies, hazing, and more. This film has been created by American University’s Office of University Communications and Marketing and the Office of Campus Life.
Love Is Respect: The Love Is Respect Website offers information on how to recognize dating violence and seek help.
Office on Violence Against Women: Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the Office on Violence Against Women is designed to reduce violence against women and strengthen resources for all survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides twenty-four hour support for people facing domestic violence.
Stalking Resource Center: Part of the National Center for Victims of Crime, the Stalking Resource Center provides assistance and guidance for those impacted by stalking.
Changing Our Campus: This government-sponsored Website contains resources on responding to and preventing sexual assault in schools.
Pandora’s Project: Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information, support, and resources to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their friends and family since 1999.
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN): This nonprofit organization has a twenty-four-hour hotline for anonymous support for people dealing with sexual assault and their friends and families.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline: This nonprofit organization has a twenty-four-hour, toll-free confidential suicide prevention hotline.
VAWnet: National online resource on Violence Against Women. A comprehensive and easily accessible online collection of full-text, searchable materials and resources on domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual violence and related issues.
Table of Contents
Emergency Numbers
Police & Fire Emergency | 911 |
Emergency from your Cell Phone: | (510) 981-5911 |
Berkeley Police (non-emergency) | (510) 981-5900 |
Berkeley Fire (non-emergency) | (510) 981-3473 |
Suicide/Crisis Prevention | (510) 849-2212 |
Poison Control | (800) 523-2222 |
Our PSR system is designed to send notifications of emergency situations that require quick, campus-wide communication. These situations include the presence of law enforcement or other medical emergency personnel on campus, an active shooter, hostile intruder, need to evacuate, need to avoid an area, bomb threat, fire, weather/red flag warning, gas leak, power failure, or other related situations that threaten life or safety as determined by our system administrators.
If you witness a situation that you feel rises to the level of emergency notification, as noted above, please call 510-697-5485.
GTU has contracted with Omnilert, a leading provider of emergency alert systems, to provide this service for the GTU Community.