Incoming Doctor of Ministry student D. Lopez shares the work that has become their ministry ensuring housing and education for housing-insecure and homeless students in Fort Collins, CO.
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Each year, Pacific School of Religion honors student excellence in building community, preaching, and ethics - see this year's winners and learn more about the awards.
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PSR professor Rev. Dr. Stoneking, one of the many who have been engaged in the fight to remove discriminatory policies against LGBTQ+ persons from the UMC’s rules, shares an op-ed from the General Conference.
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PSR recognizes every individual's inherent dignity and worth, irrespective of their identities, and we firmly believe this discriminatory language contradicts the teachings of love and compassion exemplified by Jesus Christ.
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Rev. Cecil Williams was a transformative leader whose ministry and life have impacted millions in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the world including many PSR alumnx and faculty. May he rest in peace.
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Watch the full video of PSR’s beloved Director of Community Life, Rev. Ann Jefferson, preaching at Stanford’s historic Memorial Church on Sunday, April 14th, as part of Stanford University Public Worship.
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In this Donor Spotlight, meet Carolyn Fure-Slocum whose journey from student to college chaplain is a testament to the transformative power of PSR's education and community.
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Host Mo King sits down with esteemed scholars Dr. Traci West and PSR Professor Dr. Lisa Asedillo to explore how to transform faith into tangible action and illuminate the path toward ethical living and social justice in today's world.
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Join the entire Pacific School of Religion (PSR) community in congratulating Dr. Lisa Asedillo for being awarded this year’s Faculty Excellence Award!
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Join us in welcoming scholar, pastor, educator and innovator, Rev. Dr. Kristin Stoneking into the PSR community where she will serve as Associate Professor of United Methodist Studies and Leadership and Academic Director of PSR’s Congregational Renewal Cohorts Program.
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Read PSR MDiv student Micah Melody Taberner's powerful sermon celebrating Trans Day of Visibility, "Because the systemic sin of hiding denies people their full God-given agency and humanity, the antidote is healthy pride through self-acceptance and self-love, and allowing our true selves to be seen and embraced by others."
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PSR's Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion (CLGS) is proud to welcome Rabbi Yoel Kahn as Interim Coordinator of the CLGS Jewish Roundtable.
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This month we asked PSR’s faculty, students, staff, alumnx, and board how they practice empathy for those in their community who hold political views they see as materially harmful.
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Learn more about the projects and people that will be featured in The Unafraid Symposium: An Annual Celebration of Academic Excellence at PSR on April 3rd
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Bernie Schlager, PSR faculty and the executive director of CLGS, shares a sermon on deconstructing Lent: More than being called to undertake penance, self-denial, fasting, and face our temptations in life, our spiritual traditions call upon us to do the work of justice- making.
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In this season's premiere, host Mo King sits down with spiritual leaders Rev. Adriene Thorne (MDiv '08) PSR alumnx, and Senior Minister of the historic Riverside Church in NYC, and PSR's President Rev. Dr. David Vásquez-Levy.
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Join us in welcoming our new colleagues, Dr. Alexandra Rosado-Román and Dr. Ish Ruiz, into PSR’s growing student community and global network of spirituality-rooted leaders. Together, we make up one of the most diverse communities in theological education.
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In this Donor Spotlight, meet Grace Gilliam, a devoted scholar whose journey from practitioner to Associate Director of Community Engaged Learning at PSR reflects her profound commitment to holistic education. Grace's deep immersion in Buddhist teachings, combined with her academic pursuits, drives her passion for contributing to the formation of spiritually rooted leaders in seminary education through her support of PSR.
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Watch current PSR MDiv student Rev. Dr. LeJon Payne preached at Stanford University's Black Church: University Praise & Worship.
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The Alumnx Council of PSR meets bi-monthly. As a practice, they take turns sharing “This I Believe.” This month's post is from Rev. Dr. Monica Joy Cross (DMin ’21)
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Please join us in celebrating Rev. Dr. Christy Newton (MDiv '00) who was just announced as the new executive director of Disciples Seminary Foundation (DSF)!
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Join us in congratulating alumnx Rev. Debra Haffner (DMin '16) on being awarded a Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement from the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) — their highest honor!
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This month we asked PSR’s faculty, students, staff, alumnx, and board what gives them hope for the new year!
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We hope this historic and significant step toward the celebration of committed relationships between same-sex couples is the first of many from the Vatican in the movement towards full acceptance and inclusion of our LGBTQ+ Catholic family.
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Dr. Alexandra Rosado Roman successfully defended her dissertation, "Decolonial Betrayals: Afro-Caribbean Decolonial Activisms in Puerto Rico"
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PSR alumnx, managing director of CLGS and African-American Roundtable coordinator Rev. Dr. Roland Stringfellow shares a 20-year retrospection of his time at PSR and CLGS
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In this episode, Mo sits down with Lydia Matioli, Program & Partnerships Director of Freely in Hope in Kenya and Zambia, to talk about her own story and how this shift in mindset is helping her be more expansive in her vision in terms of advocacy.
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PSR will use the funds to develop an education and community-building program designed to help congregations adapt to changing social and cultural contexts and to reimagine the church in ways that deepen faith and transform community.
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Dean Susan Abraham shares how the season of Advent can teach us to step into ways of unknowing that are critical for our spiritual lives.
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The Alumnx Council of PSR meets bi-monthly. As a practice, they take turns sharing “This I Believe.” This month's post is from Dr. Daniel Rodriguez Schlorff (DMin ’19).
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