Join us in congratulating PSR faculty Rev. Kristin Stoneking who has been elected a bishop by The United Methodist Church’s (UMC) Western Jurisdiction! She will be the denomination’s third openly gay and married bishop. The first was PSR alumnx Bishop Karen Oliveto (MDiv ’83).
“Western Jurisdiction, you love — you love big. And it’s messy sometimes, but you love,” Stoneking said. “I’m so humbled at this time, at this incredibly momentous time. May we all be humble learners. I commit to you to be a humble learner and to love.”
Dr. Stoneking is a scholar, pastor, educator and innovator whose ministry has focused on the intersection of social justice, revitalized faith communities and organizations, faith formation, and interreligious engagement. At PSR, she serves as Associate Professor of United Methodist Studies and Leadership. An ordained elder in the California-Nevada annual conference of the United Methodist Church, she has served as a local church pastor, district superintendent, and campus minister. She joins the PSR faculty in their commitment to making their discipline and theological education more widely accessible and impactful; bringing faith to bear on the creation of a world where all can thrive; and a research agenda that centers the wisdom and needs of historically marginalized communities.