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PSR President Rev. David Vásquez-Levy Preaches Opening Service at UCC Hawai’i Conference

Pacific School of Religion was honored to have President David Vásquez-Levy preach the opening service of the 200th ‘Aha Pae‘āina of the Hawai’i Conference of the United Church of Christ which took place virtually from June 12th -18th, 2022. This year’s theme was Mai kēia hanauna a ia hanauna aku, From Generation to Generation.

In line with the conference theme, Rev. Vásquez-Levy asked how one generation passes legacies of faith to another during times of significant disruption and change. For PSR, he said, it means a commitment to a preferential option for an emerging, diverse generation. Rev. Vásquez-Levy asked the UCC community to consider joining PSR in looking at everything we do from teaching and preaching to how we organize ourselves through the lens of this upcoming generation. 

Watch his entire service below.

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