By Jonathon Murillo, Ignite Institute’s Director of Strategy and Content
What is wisdom?
Leading change in this moment can be described as isolating, discouraging, and most of all, complex. In this rapidly changing, and increasingly wounded world, there are no maps or instruction manuals to guide you through all we are facing. This is why you see so many leaders, communities, and society as a whole pushed and pulled into one extreme or another. We settle for extremes in an attempt to make the complex go away. There is, however, another way to hold the tensions of this complex world.
This is the way of wisdom. All of our spiritual traditions call us to embrace wisdom on our journey to becoming whole. Wisdom is the ability to hold multiple truths in tension with one another and negotiate that tension towards flourishing. This is why we desperately need wisdom in our lives and leadership today! Embracing wisdom is not easy, and cannot be done alone, however, you won’t achieve the change you desire, or stay sustained in the process, without it.
Four Ways to Embrace Wisdom Now
Look Back
Whether we know it or not, there has been wisdom that has shaped us and sustained us our whole lives. It could’ve been the sayings of your grandmother, the food of your family, or the rich insight of others in your faith community. Take some time to look back and account for the ancestors, practices, meaningful places or events of your life that have made you who you are. Holding these gifts with gratitude resources us with new energy and resolve to keep going.
Look Around
The quickest way to burn out in your leadership is to do it alone. There is power in journeying together with others who hold different perspectives, identities, and stories, yet share in the same commitments, values, and aspirations of what the world can be. Find a group of people that you can be vulnerable with, exchange ideas and inspiration, and simply be reminded of your humanity.
Look Within
Some of us have been socially conditioned to trust every other voice but our own. The communities we belong to and the identities we hold have been marginalized, and the world suffers. Another great well of wisdom is the one that is within. Set a rhythm of silence and solitude so you can learn to tune your ears to the voice within.
Look Ahead
As you set your sights on your vision for your life and leadership, anticipate what practices you will need to incorporate into your life through the challenges that will inevitably come your way. Be as intentional about planning your practices as you are about planning your work, because you are the greatest gift to give to your mission!
This fall Ignite at PSR is launching something new! We’re bringing together emerging leaders to embody wisdom-based leadership so we can collaborate courageously, communicate creatively, and care contemplatively!