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Home » PSR Engage: Toward a Transgender Christian Ethic of Liberation » PSR Engage: Toward a Transgender Christian Ethic of Liberation

In celebration of Pride month PSR student Micah Melody Taberner will share her Academic Excellence presentation entitled, “Beyond the ‘Clobber Passages’: Toward a Transgender Christian Ethic of Liberation.” 

In her presentation, rather than merely responding to the “clobber passages,” Micah will look at the Christian scriptures through her lens as a transgender Christian woman ministering to other trans and gender-expansive individuals to offer three tenets that begin to move toward a Transgender Christian Ethic of Liberation: actively creating space for lament, disrupting norms of access to God and community, and moving toward joy and life through co-creation. 

Read Micah Melody’s reflection: Transition as an Act of Co-Creation in Partnership with the Divine to learn more!

Micah Melody Taberner (she/her) is the Community Care Coordinator for Transmission Ministry Collective—an online community dedicated to the spiritual care and leadership potential of transgender and gender-expansive Christians. She is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at Pacific School of Religion. As a transgender, bi-racial Latina follower of Jesus, her greatest passion is helping individuals and communities explore the intersection of their own identities and faith. In all her work, she loves using art, music, and storytelling to build relationships and stir cross-cultural dialogue. 

Transmission Ministry Collective (TMC) is an online community dedicated to the spiritual care, faith formation, and leadership potential of transgender and gender-expansive Christians. We’re an organization created by and for trans people, creating a space where we can be connected to others, grounded in our identity and faith, and empowered to lead. Our programs include an array of support groups, a 24-7 moderated chat server, a leadership development initiative, and educational and faith formation events for both trans folks and those wishing to practice allyship. 

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