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Home » New Perspectives on Ancient Nubia lecture with the Nile Valley Collective » New Perspectives on Ancient Nubia lecture with the Nile Valley Collective

Join us at 12pm PDT on Thursday, June 3rd for the final installment of our virtual lecture series, “New Perspectives on Ancient Nubia.” This new series is hosted by the Badè Museum in partnership with the Archaeological Research Facility (ARF) at UC Berkeley.
This event features an exciting roundtable with members of the Nile Valley Collective, including:

Dr. Sally-Ann Ashton (Edge Hill University)

Dr. Vanessa Davies (Bryn Mawr College)

Debora Heard (University of Chicago)

Dr. Elizabeth Minor (Wellesley College)

Dr. Kimani Nehusi (Temple University)

Dr. Stuart Tyson-Smith (UC Santa Barbara)

No registration required. Watch live or catch up on recorded lectures on the ARF YouTube channel here:

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