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Home » Luncheon for PSR Alumnx and Students at the UMC Cal-Nev Annual Conference: Fearlessly Together: Embracing Intersection in Global Community » Luncheon for PSR Alumnx and Students at the UMC Cal-Nev Annual Conference: Fearlessly Together: Embracing Intersection in Global Community

If you’re planning to attend the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the UMC in Sacramento, make sure you register for PSR’s Fearlessly Together: Embracing Intersection in Global Community Luncheon for PSR Alumnx and Students!

Join PSR Professor Dr. Kristin Stoneking, PSR President David Vasquez-Levy, and UMC Co-Chair, California-Nevada Philippine Solidarity Task Force, Jeanelle Ablola. The event will take place on Friday, June 7, 2024, at 12:00 pm at Bento Box, a short walk from the convention center. Come reconnect with old friends and make some new ones! Registration is required, so use the button below to save your spot. This event will likely sell out, so register early!

You can also visit us in the exhibit area!

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