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Home » Community Chapel: Opening Worship / Dean’s Chapel » Community Chapel: Opening Worship / Dean’s Chapel

PSR’s Community Chapel is held at 11:10 am most Tuesdays during the school year in person in the Bade Museum on the PSR campus and via Zoom. It is an opportunity for the entire PSR community to come together for spiritual and theological nourishment.

View the full Community Chapel schedule and watch recent Chapel recordings

Opening Worship / Dean’s Chapel

Nurturing Life: Tending the Soil/Soul of the Community

Planting Sweetgrass
“Sweetgrass is best planted not by seed but by putting roots directly in the ground.  Thus the plant is passed from hand to earth to hand across years and generations.  Its favored habitat is sunny, well-watered meadows.  It thrives along disturbed edges.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer from Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants

Our first Spring semester service is being convened by Dean Abraham, who will share the “preaching moment” with our Associate Director of Community Engaged Learning, Grace Gilliam.

We look forward to beginning the new semester together as we focus on this Spring’s chapel theme, “Nurturing Life: Tending to the Soil/Soul of Community.” Please register today to worship with us ( in person or online)!



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