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Home » CLGS Jewish Queeries Series: Queering Purim with Rabbi Denise Eger » CLGS Jewish Queeries Series: Queering Purim with Rabbi Denise Eger

Rabbi Denise Egers’ phenomenal CLGS Jewish Queeries Series presentation on Queering Hanukah generated so much positive feedback that she has agreed to present a mini-series on queering Purim, Pesach, and Shavuot.

The first lecture/discussion in this series will feature a queer approach to Purim.

Purim is so queer already that it takes an experienced and knowledgeable LGBTQ scholar and rabbi to fully explore its multifacited transgressive history and practices. Learn about traditions such as Esther “coming out” and centuries of Jewish gender bending. In modern times, Purim became a major celebration in LGBTQ synagogue, first for adults and then for queer families. Join in the celebration!

Rabbi Denise Eger, an LGBTQ pioneer and leader, will help us unpack the hidden and counter-mainstream aspects of Purim.

Rabbi Denise L. Eger (she/her) is the founding Senior Rabbi of Congregation Kol Ami in West Hollywood, California. Known for her LGBTQ Activism and AIDS activism, Rabbi Eger was the first openly queer Rabbi to become President of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the international organization of Reform Rabbis. She is the editor of the groundbreaking collection of prayers and reflections, Mishkan Ga’avah: Where Pride Dwells. A Celebration of LGBTQ Jewish Life and Ritual.  (2020).

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