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Home » CLGS AAPI Roundtable Event: When Two or More are Gathered, Polyamorous Loving as a Spiritual Community Ethic & Practice » CLGS AAPI Roundtable Event: When Two or More are Gathered, Polyamorous Loving as a Spiritual Community Ethic & Practice

How can polyamory/ethical non-monogamy as non-normative relational formation expand our understanding of spiritual community, well-being, and practice? Join the AAPIRT in an exploratory dialogue on the intersections of polyamory and faith and how polyamorous frameworks can help us deepen and inform the spiritual ethics & practices of our faith communities.

Maij Mai (they/he/sib/homie/fam) is a BlackVietnameseBipolarTransNonbinaryQueer currently existing in and with beloved community in Winston-Salem, NC. Maij’s formal education and training consists of a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Wake Forest University.

A creative visionary, organizer, and liberation companion from the Southern United States, their soul work centers the bodies, voices, and lived experiences of oppressed peoples striving to transform their imaginations and worlds.

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