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Home » 11th Annual CLGS Georgia Harkness Lecture » 11th Annual CLGS Georgia Harkness Lecture

Please join us for “Engendering Solidarity and Defiant Spirituality Among Church Leaders” with Rev. Dr. Traci C. West.

More about this event: In this political moment, how can scholar-activist church leaders create common understandings that undermine patterns of society-wide abuse and intra-communal betrayal, and instead deepen their solidarity with one another? What are effective ways of expressing defiance of heteropatriarchal abuser logic and white supremacy through our spiritual resources and practices? This lecture will include examples from Dr. West’s study of transnational Africana activist leadership to end gender violence.

Rev. Dr. Traci C. West is an activist-scholar who serves as the James W. Pearsall Professor of Christian Ethics and African American Studies at Drew University Theological School (NJ). Her teaching, research, and activism have focused on gender, racial, and sexuality justice, especially as related to gender violence. Her major publications include Wounds of the Spirit: Black Women, Violence, and Resistance Ethics (1999), Disruptive Christian Ethics: When Racism and Women’s Lives Matter (2006), and, most recently, Solidarity and Defiant Spirituality: Africana Lessons on Religion, Racism, and Ending Gender Violence (2019). She is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and an activist for full and anti-racist LGBTQIA+ equality in that denomination.

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This lecture is co-sponsored by Women’s Studies in Religion Program at the Graduate Theological Union.

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