In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Pacific School of Religion provides information related to crime statistics and security measures to all current students, faculty and staff, and is required to notify recipients when the report is available. The current PSR annual security report is online.
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act. This legislation requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information pertaining to crimes that have been reported or occurred on or around college campuses, or in the vicinity of college properties on public properties, including properties owned or maintained by the college.
The annual report contains three years of campus crime statistics and must outline certain security policy and/or procedural statements, including sexual-assault awareness programs and reporting procedures. Specific information is provided regarding both the law-enforcement authority of campus security police and how and where the college community may report crimes.
Download the latest Annual Security & Fire Safety Report for 2024 to read more on the following topics and more updated annually:
- What to do in case of an Emergency
- Missing Student Notification Policy
- Campus Safety
- PSR’s Main Security Provisions
- Access to PSR Campus and Buildings
- Security of PSR Campus Buildings
- Procedures to Report Criminal Activity and Emergencies
- Information about Registered Sex Offenders
- Drug Free Campus and Workplace
- Sexual Assault and Rape
- Crime Statistics
- Student Housing & Fire Safety Report
- Crime Report & Internal Investigation Form/ PSR Crime Incident Report Form
- GTU Alert System