Neil Goldberg is a designer and entrepreneur with a passion for seeing design discipline applied with artisanal care to every kind of artifact of the human imagination. He is dedicated to advancing creative praxis as a framework for enlivened leadership towards a better world.
To this end he teaches Design Thinking for Social Change in which he guides students in an exploration of their own design consciousness at the intersection of social transformation and spiritual practice. He writes about the unfolding of our design consciousness through time and is curating a series of Design Wisdom conversations between practicing designers, religious scholars and spiritual leaders of all faith traditions.
From a long career that began in the furniture industry with the furniture maker Herman Miller, to his Silicon Valley product innovation agency Praxis Product Design and startup ventures in co-working, digital photography and solar power he has turned his attention to teaching, writing and advancing a discourse that prepares a new generation of creative leaders for the challenges of the ecological and spiritual crisis that is unfolding.