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Pacific School of Religion’s Ignite Institute Launches Ignite Collective Membership

As part of their long-term objective to reach emerging leaders seeking spiritually rooted transformation, PSR’s Ignite Institute launched the Ignite Collective on September 14th, 2022. Membership in this innovative online learning and community platform will initially be offered at two levels: Basic ($9.95/mo – $95/year), and Full ($59/mo – $595/year). Pacific School of Religion students will have Full access to the Ignite Collective starting in the 2022-23 academic year. 

Basic membership will give learners access to an exclusive series of on-demand workshops that will equip them to lead their communities and advance their careers. Basic members will also be able to engage with each other through forums and messaging and with practitioners and thought leaders through guided discussions, themed topic spaces, live casts, and more. All with the goal of helping them discover wisdom, find purpose, and create change — together. 

Members with Full access will also be able to earn a certificate in Wisdom-Based Leadership. This intensive course anchors key leadership competencies in deep personal formation and is designed to draw students to the resources available in their own cultural and spiritual traditions. In addition to on-demand video modules and workbooks, the course will incorporate monthly group coaching, events, live casts, and Q&As to create deeper engagement.  

Past Wisdom Based Leadership students praise the course not only for helping them become better leaders at work but for helping them develop their voice, find balance, and make space to be healthy and whole as people.  

 Salma, a student from Nabulus, Palestine said, “As a result of participating in the Wisdom-Based Leadership course, my perception of my work as an activist and artist grew and made me understand that through dedicating my work to social justice for others, I can use the same energy for myself. These two things do not oppose, but rather, complement each other.” 

The Ignite Institute’s podcast, Change Happens Now, full of insights, practices, and tools to help listeners enact social change will continue to be released bi-weekly, with exclusive bonus content available for members. 

Ignite Institute’s Executive Director Byron Chung underscored the need for new models of leadership training in a 2022 Religious News Service story featuring seminaries, like PSR, offering ethical leadership training.  

“We really need a new way to lead. As a father of three 20-year-olds, I’m afraid we’re losing a generation of young people who are becoming isolated, angry and disengaged from the problems around them. We need to awaken their agency and help them see something new.” 

For those ready to discover wisdom, find purpose, and create change, membership in the Ignite Collective is now open: 

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