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New Web Exhibit from the Badè Museum: “Unsilencing the Archives: The Laborers of the Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations (1926-1935)”

The Badè Museum is proud to announce the debut of new open-access web exhibition, “Unsilencing the Archives: The Laborers of the Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations (1926-1935).”

The exhibit showcases unpublished archival documents, photographs, and film held by the Badè Museum that illustrate the untold stories of local laborers, landowners, and Egyptian foremen who contributed to the excavations at Nasbeh in British Mandate Palestine.

Click here to view this five-part exhibit.

The exhibit was developed with support from the Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology and the Palestine Exploration Fund, a U.K.-based cultural heritage organization.


Girls picking sherds from the dump, 1935. Badè Museum Photo Archive.

The recorded webinar and virtual exhibition opening is now available on Youtube!

Click here to watch. The event featured a virtual tour of the exhibit from curators Dr. Melissa Cradic and Samuel Pfister and an exciting lineup of panelists including Dr. Hamed Salem (Birzeit University, Palestine), Dr. Eric Cline (George Washington University, U.S.A.), and Dr. Allison Mickel (Lehigh University, U.S.A.). This event was co-sponsored by the Bade Museum & Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF).

Follow the museum on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram for more information about upcoming public programming.

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