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Bade Museum Curator featured in Biblical Archaeology Review magazine

The Fall 2021 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review (47:3) features an interview with Bade Museum curator Dr. Melissa Cradic. In it, she discusses recent outreach, public programming, and social justice initiatives at the museum, including an upcoming web exhibit entitled, “Unsilencing the Archives: Laborers at Tell en-Nasbeh (1926-1935).”

The  exhibit showcases archival documents, photographs, and film held by the Bade Museum at PSR that illustrate the untold stories of local laborers, landowners, and Egyptian foremen who contributed to the PSR-sponsored excavations at Nasbeh in British Mandate Palestine.

The exhibit will debut at a webinar on September 22 at 9am. Join us at the webinar, stream it live, or catch it later on the Bade Museum Youtube channel!

Bade Museum curator Melissa Cradic
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