Living Together in our Post-Election World with Dr. Leonard McMahon | A CLGS Queering the 2024 Vote Lavender Lunch Workshop
We invite you to join PSR Professor and founder of Common Ground Dialogue Dr. Leonard McMahon for this CLGS Lavender Lunch – the last in this, our 4-part series on Queering the Vote– as we gather, post election, to explore the landscape of US society with the presidential elections behind us.
In My Grandmother’s Tongue: A Queer AAPI Eldership Panel Discussion
In My Grandmother’s Tongue is a panel discussion that honors and elicits the sacred experiences and wisdom of our Queer AAPI Elders.
Queering Advent | An Online CLGS Sacred Texts Workshop with Revs. Lauren Bennett and Jakob Hero-Shaw
A new liturgical year starts with Advent, a time of watching, waiting, and preparing our hearts for justice and love!
As we enter year C, this workshop will prepare you for queering Advent and set the foundation for the coming liturgical year.
November 2024 Queer Book Club | Meeting 3 of 3: Queer God de Amor by Miguel Díaz | with the CLGS Latinx Roundtable
Join us as we read the book Queer God de Amor by Miguel Díaz for this 3-session Queer Book Club, sponsored by the CLGS Latinx Roundtable!
November 2024 Queer Book Club | Meeting 2 of 3: Queer God de Amor by Miguel Díaz | with the CLGS Latinx Roundtable
Join us as we read the book Queer God de Amor by Miguel Díaz for this 3-session Queer Book Club, sponsored by the CLGS Latinx Roundtable!
November 2024 Queer Book Club | Meeting 1 of 3: Queer God de Amor by Miguel Díaz | with the CLGS Latinx Roundtable
Join us as we read the book Queer God de Amor by Miguel Díaz for this 3-session Queer Book Club, sponsored by the CLGS Latinx Roundtable!
Sacred Response: A Reflection Moment for this Election Season with Maij Vu Mai | A CLGS Queering the 2024 Vote Event
Sacred Response is an intentionally-curated space that will incorporate different rituals, meditations, and reflection exercises that will invite participants to be more present to what’s coming up within themselves and their communities during this election season.
14th Annual Georgia Harkness Lecture – Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel
Rev. Dr. Voelkel has spent the last seven years working at the intersection of queer movements and BIPOC-led reparations efforts. In 2022, she interviewed dozens of Indigenous, Black, and White leaders (many of them queer) about their theological and movement-building work around congregationally-based reparations. Using the knowledge she heard and received, she co-authored Sacred Reckonings: White Settler-Colonizer Churches Doing the Work of Reparations (Center for Sustainable Justice: 2023).
¡Sí Se Puede! : Queer Spirituality and Latinx Social Activism with Lisbeth Meléndez Rivera | A CLGS Latinx Roundtable Event
This CLGS Latinx Roundtable Event will explore grassroot activism at the intersection of queerness, Latinidad, and spirituality. Meléndez Rivera will discuss her experience working at this intersection and some important practices faith leaders can employ to promote justice. From a theological standpoint, this kind of activism yields important insights about God and the meaning of justice that can aid the Church better reflect this divine promise. Faith leaders who work with (or hope to work with) Latinx populations would benefit from the spiritual and practical insights from this presentation.
Love is Louder Campaign with Rachael Ward | A CLGS Queering the 2024 Vote Lavender Lunch Workshop
Love is Louder: Love Your Neighbor OUT LOUD is a campaign faithfully supporting the spiritual, physical, and mental well-being of LGBTQIA+ siblings by equipping faith communities with resources and tools for just action and care.