PSR’s Statement on the Murder of George Floyd
Dear PSR Community: “I can’t breathe.” These tragic words from George Floyd echo the desperate cry of Eric Garner and generations of African Americans who have been suffocated by the scourge of racism and oppression. They speak to the crisis of a virus that deprives its victims of the very source of life and the…
February 23-24: Financial Sustainability and Community Innnovation in the Church Summit
This Summit is part of a 3-part program series from the Ignite Institute at Pacific School of Religion and the Path 1 Initiative of the United Methodist Church to support faith leaders in establishing financial sustainability by taking a community-based business from idea, to proposal, to reality. The Summit invites clergy and lay leaders to hear from successful faith-based…
2017 Georgia Harkness Lecture: “Doubleweaving Resistance: Two-Spirit Stories, Theories, and Futures” with Qwo-Li Driskill
Doubleweave is a basket weaving technique in Southeastern Indigenous traditions in which separate inside and outside patterns emerge through one continuous weave. Drawing on the concept of doubleweave as both a material practice and political framework, this talk will weave together scholarship, poetry, and performance to honor Indigenous Two-Spirit/LGBTQ resistances to ongoing settler colonialism in…
Pacific Islander Formation
Pacific Islander Formation On February 15, 2020, PSR’s Pacific Islander students, sponsored by the Asian American Initiative at PSR, hosted a conversation and celebration of Pacific Islander topics focused on spiritual and identity formation. In recognition of Pacific Islander faith and culture, this full day of student-led workshops, insightful guest speakers, and traditional and contemporary…
Hunger Forum with Barbara Lee at PSR
Finding Harmony
I was born in Oakland, California. My parents were pastors, but my elders were Black Panthers. I was trained to live and be willing to lay down my life for my people. I was trained to help people struggle for a life worth living in honor of God. My elders were ideological Communists based heavily in…