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Call for Papers: PSR Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander Initiative

“Taboo” Colloquium for Masters Degree Students

May 7, 2021

Asian American Pacific Islander Initiative

Pacific School of Religion

Call for Papers – deadline April 9, 2021


What are the things one has difficulty saying in the church or with family members? What are the different generational values that keeps a predominantly AAPI church from progressing in certain ways? When one talks about the AAPI community, whose stories are we not hearing? What are those taboo conversations and/or who is considered taboo?

With the scourge of Anti-Asian violence including the killing of Asian women in the Atlanta spas and the death of Filipino American Angelo Quinto in Antioch, the continued deportation of immigrants and refugees, the disproportionate death rates of Pacific Islanders due to Covid 19, as well as the economic and mental health effects of Covid 19, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities have undergone an incredible amount of trauma over the past year. In addition, there have been other issues within AAPI faith communities that haven’t been addressed which needed to be addressed long before the pandemic.

The AAPI Initiative presents “Taboo”, a colloquium for masters-degree students at the Pacific School of Religion and the GTU consortium. The purpose of this event is for students to present topics that are taboo in our ethnic spaces but are still very real things to consider in the AAPI religious community. For instance, issues around gender and sexuality, racism, mass incarceration, and immigration. This is a platform for students to connect what they are learning at PSR/GTU and question things out loud that they can’t really say in their worship contexts.  Taboo is a space for AAPI students to be unafraid to share their theology in a more public square. It designed to be brave space for students to become better public theologians.


Papers should be between 1,500-3,000 words. Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes with another 10-15 minutes for discussion. Please be sure to have your name, school, program, and email address marked at the top of the paper. The range of paper topics is wide but must center the AAPI experience.

A $50 Visa gift card will be awarded to the papers chosen for presentation.

Please send submissions or direct questions to Dr. Joyce del Rosario with the subject line “Taboo Submission”. Deadline for Submission is April 9, 2021.

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