Kwaray, a bold and collaborative initiative by PSR to reimagine theological education, is LIVE

Rev. Dr. John Vaughn (MDiv, 1985)

PSR Alum, Rev. Dr. John Vaughn, shares his background in ministry and how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. inspired his path towards racial and social equity. Read the full article here.

Community Worship—March 24, 2020

You are invited to refer this bulletin for our Zoom Community Worship at 11:10am, Tuesday, March 24. You can join the gathering as follows: by Zoom from any computer or smartphone: from the Zoom app, enter Meeting ID 793 319 236. from a landline or mobile phone, dial 669 900 6833 and enter Meeting ID…

A Mantra for a Pandemic: God is our Refuge

Modeled on Psalm 46 (NRSV and The Voice, adapted by Rev. Todd Atkins-Whitley) Read in a gathering, the community is invited to sign or say aloud the words shown in bold and supply the words in pink. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.                                              …in a pandemic                                              …in…

Bulletin for Community Worship—March 17, 2020

Please refer to this bulletin for our Zoom Community Worship at 11:10am, Tuesday, March 17. You can join the gathering as follows: One tap mobile +16699006833,,829606149# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 829 606 149